Inclusive Design


Interactive learning resource is designed to provide personalized and adaptive learning experiences to meet the needs of all learners. Interactive learning can adjust based on the individual’s learning style, level of understanding, and pace of learning. Moreover, Interactive learning can provide various learning modalities such as visual aids, audio, and interactive activities to cater to different learning preferences.

In the event of unexpected circumstances such as a pandemic, where many learners must work from home, and we can still provide high-quality training and education through various online platforms for learning. Learners can access learning resources remotely, and they can interact via video conferencing for real-time feedback and guidance.

To ensure learners can still do their jobs effectively, we can tailor learning activities to meet their specific needs. For example, we can help learners adapt to the new work environment through training in remote working practices, communication strategies and collaboration. “Ensure experiences are comparable when designing different ways for people to engage with your product or service. Just because you meet accessibility standards does not mean you have offered a usable or comparable experience.(Morales, 2021).”For example, offering different playback speeds to users with hearing impairments helps ensure your experience is equivalent for everyone.

In conclusion, interactive learning resource can adapt to the diverse needs of learners and provide quality training and education, even in unexpected circumstances such as a pandemic. By leveraging various online platforms and tools, interactive learning can deliver personalized and engaging learning experiences to help learners achieve their learning goals and succeed in their professional lives.


Morales, J.(2021). What is inclusive design? principles & examples, from


  1. leihan

    Hello Haoran,

    You did an amazing job in depicting numerous aspects of inclusive design and sharing your understanding towards this concept. I agree on your analysis for inclusive design and its relation with personalized learning and unexpected events. In particular, I appreciate your point where we may employ online platform to assist those students in need. In my own post, I also similarly mentioned that read-time supports and guidance is one feature that our group project helps the needs from all students.

  2. junyi

    Hi Haoran,
    I totally agree with the advantages of interactive learning resources, especially in the current situation where many people need to study and work from home. I also think we can use interactive learning in our Blueprint courses
    Interactive learning can provide learners with a more flexible and personalized learning experience to meet different learning needs and preferences. In addition, interactive learning can provide learners with a broader range of learning resources and support through online platforms and tools that traditional education cannot provide.

  3. Anastassiya

    Hi Haoran! Thank you for an overview of how we can ensure that diverse learners’ needs are met. I wonder, what particular Universal Design principles/checkpoints do you plan to integrate into your interactive learning resource?

    • haoran

      Hi Anastassiya! For example, the perceptible information perspective of universal design. Universal design ensures that all information presented in interactive learning resources can be easily perceived by all users, regardless of their sensory abilities. This can be achieved by providing multiple representations such as text, image, video and audio.

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